Yesterday I shared about detoxing and generally preparing for the Daniel fast physically. It’s so easy to become so focused on the food, what we can or cannot eat, on recipes and where to buy all this organic, clean food that we tend to neglect the real reason for this fast.
The first few years of doing the Daniel fast I was so totally focused on the “how” that I lost my vision of the “why”. So while it’s important to plan meals, go grocery shopping in advance and prep your body for the fast , it’s even more important to prepare yourself spiritually. Why are you doing this fast? What areas in your life need a thorough house cleaning? What are those dreams that you’ve placed on the shelf? How close do you desire to become in your relationship with God? And most importantly, what is God desiring for you in these 21 days?
How about taking the next few days and preparing your soul and spirit for this fast? Take some quiet time, journal, pray, do what calms your mind and opens your heart and begin focusing more on Him.
Your body will protest, your emotions will crave coffee, your mind will try to talk you out of fasting but being focused on God, on His plans and receiving His encouragement, hope, strength and yes, correction, will help you going strong through this fast!